Thomas County Fire Department earns new ISO rating, improving safety and reducing insurance costs

After 23 years of hard work, the department now holds a 3/9 ISO rating, signaling better protection and reduced insurance premiums. The improved rating boosts response times and financial savings for property owners who pay fire taxes. Watch the video to learn about the departments efforts to reduce wildfire risks.


The devasting wildfires in California has brought renewed attention to local fire departments across the country.

In Thomas County, the fire department has earned a new ISO rating, bringing better protection and lower insurance costs.

“I was actually in Forsyth doing ISO training,” said Jones. “It’s 4 to 5 years before they come by, but I’m telling you we work on this every single month.”

Neighborhood reporter Layan Tarboush looked at how Thomas County Fire earned this new ISO rating and what it means for your neighborhood.

After 23 years of work, the fire department now holds a 3/9 ISO rating.

This means better protection for homes within five road miles of a station and lower insurance costs.

Chief Jones explains those beyond five miles have nothing to worry about.

“We’re giving them the same response, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and we’ll come to your house six times in a year if we need to,” said Jones.

Jones tells me this new rating boosts response times and saves money for homeowners on fire insurance.

“People who pay fire tax, which is what supports us, a preferred ISO rating is just something that we’re able to give back to them as part of their investment so they can save money annually on their fire insurance,” said Jones.

With all the talk of wildfires, that’s good news for people like Adam Chitwood, who recently moved to Thomas County.

“I think that’s great, as far as fire goes, I do get concerned with all the trees down here versus where I’m from, so I know if there was a fire, it could spread fast. So it’s exciting to hear that it has a better rating and the cost savings to go with it,” said Chitwood.

But Jones tells me, despite these concerns, the county is in a great position because of all the regular prescribed burns that reduce the risk of large, out-of-control fires.

“A couple of years back, we were told that in Thomas County, we have more acres that are burned with prescribed fire and controlled fire than another county around us, possibly any in the state,” said Jones.

That controlled burning helps reduce the risk of wildfires, and as for water availability, there’s nearly 30,000 gallons of water on trucks, ready to respond if needed.

If you want to join the team, volunteers are needed, especially in rural areas.

You can apply through the Thomas County Board of Commissioners’ website.

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