The Leon Classroom Teachers Association and the school district have broken impasse with an agreement in negotiations. The deal includes a 3.037% pay increase, sick-leave buy back, childcare assistance, paid parental leave, and more. Watch the video to hear from both groups about what this agreement will mean for the future of Leon County Schools.
The Leon Classroom Teachers Association and the school district reach a deal! I’m Kenya Cardonne in the Northeast Tallahassee neighborhood. I sat down with both groups after they came to an agreement on salaries and benefits during negotiations.
Rocky Hanna, Leon County Schools Superintendent – “Totally different vibe in the room. It was just one of excitement, enthusiasm and optimism.”
Leon County Schools Superintendent Rocky Hanna describes the energy of Tuesday’s negotiations with the Leon Classroom Teacher’s Association.
Scott Mazur, President of Leon Classroom Teachers Association – “We were able to put together a comprehensive package that addresses a lot of different needs for a lot of different people.”
The package includes:
-A 3.037% increase, which is a bump from the 2.88% the district originally offered
-Supplement increases for arts and academics
-Free childcare for children of employees
-Sick-leave buy back for teachers who use four or less sick-leave days
-Five days of paid parental leave
The deal broke the impasse the district declared in December, which would have required a third party to intervene in negotiations.
Superintendent Hanna says the deal will help with employee retention.
Hanna – “Hey, if I work in Leon County Schools, my kids get free before-school and after-school care. Hey, if I work in Leon County Schools, if I want to have a child, they’re going to pay me for some of that time I’m out instead of leave without pay. Hey, if I’m in Leon County Schools, I can buy back some of my sick-days every year, instead of waiting until I retire to cash in on those.”
LCTA President Scott Mazur says educators are also feeling optimistic, but this is just the first step.
Mazur – “I think it would be interesting if the legislators actually listened to the teachers the way that the district listened to us this last month.”
Both the district and the union are on the same page about how important session will be for negotiations moving forward.
Hanna – “The Florida Legislature has to step up and do their job and fund our public schools appropriately.”
The recent agreement, however, seems to be a good start.
Mazur – “I just think that the future is pretty bright about us being able to go into this legislative session and do even more work to make sure that folks understand that Leon County is where you want to teach. And you know, being a member of LCTA delivers.”
The employee childcare assistance, sick-leave buyback, and paid parental leave are all on a trial program, so they will expire on June 30, 2026 unless the district decides to extend those benefits.
On January 28th the board and instructional staff will vote on whether to ratify the deal.
In Northeast Tallahassee, Kenya Cardonne ABC 27