FAMU presidential search committee details timeline for candidate interviews and campus visits

The FAMU presidential search committee met virtually Tuesday, detailing a rough timeline candidate interviews and campus visits. FAMU hopes to have its new president in place by the beginning of the fall semester. Watch now to hear what part of the process will not be public knowledge and why.


The long awaited beginning to a process that started nearly six months ago.

I’m Alberto Camargo, College town neighborhood reporter.

The FAMU presidential search committee got the ball rolling Tuesday on finding FAMU’s 13th president.

“Selecting the next president, the 13th president of Florida A&M University is a big, big job.”

A general timeline for the search was detailed in Tuesday’s virtual meeting.

Myers McRae, the executive search firm contracted by FAMU says it will open applications later this month.

The deadline to apply will be around mid-March.

Candidates will be selected for a first round of interviews in late March.

Those interviews as well as on-campus visits will extend into early April.

Committee chair Deveron Gibbons says that’s where community input will be most important.

“We would like to make sure that faculty, students and other folks that are a part of this process have the opportunity to speak their voice. Most of them are on campus, so we’ll do that.”

One thing we will not know through this process any applicant names.

This and applicants personal information are the only things that are not public under Florida sunshine laws.

Names will only become public once the committee has recommended them to the Board of Trustees.

“So that they understand that we’re not being secretive, we’re not withholding information, but there are some things that we can talk about and some things we cannot talk about.”

“I know that we will bring back some names of some very, very good folks that will lead this university into the future.”

The presidential search is set up to include you as well if you’d like.

The search’s webpage has a place for you to input your opinion on what you want out of the 13th president on the hill.

At FAMU, Alberto Camargo, ABC27.

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