Wakulla County voters respond to high voter turnout in general election

Wakulla County voters are pleased there was a higher voter turnout in the general election Voter turnout to 85%, almost double what it was for the primaries Watch the video to find out why neighbors think it increased


When I saw a post on the Wakulla Citizens page, a woman posted it was around 80% and I was so excited.

Thats Crawfordville neighbor Cobb Adams, reaction when he found out that nearly 85 percent of registered voters showed up at the polls for the general election. Up from 40 percent voter turnout for primary.

I was very disappointed, and I reached out to Joe Morgan and we spoke for probably a couple of hours and I wanted to see what I could do to help bring that voter number up.

Over the last year Ive been tracking efforts to increase voter turnout. Wakulla County Supervisor of Elections, Joe Morgans office has been working on increasing turnout.

And it paid off.

People hopefully will see with everybody turning out that great things will happen if they feel like this was a great thing to happen in this election, then maybe theyll start seeing that if I show up things will happen.

One group theyve been working to engage – 18 to 25-year-olds.

Participation this time around went from 1,575 in 2020 to 1,705 in 2024 in the general elections.

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