Neighbors raise concerns about a roadway through the Miccosukee Greenway

About 30 neighbors came to the Leon County Board of County Commissioners meeting to raise concerns about an extension of Dempsey Mayo Road going through the Miccosukee Greenway. Commissioner Brian Welch motioned for additional safety measures at the crossing. The vote passed 5 to 1. Watch the video to hear why equestrians are concerned about the roadway:


About 30 neighbors came out to let county leaders know their concerns about a roadway going through a popular green space.

County commissioners met Tuesday. They talked about the next steps in a roadway set to go through the Miccosukee Greenway.

Neighbors like Nancy Stephens came out and voiced their concerns about that plan.

Stephens has been riding horses since she was 2-years-old and the Miccosukee Greenway is one of her favorite places to ride.

“It’s half the horse, half the environment,” Stephens said.

That’s why she and about 30 other people came out to the Leon County Commission meeting to voice concerns about a roadway going through the greenway.

“It’s me, the horse, and the car, all sitting ducks there,” Stephens said.

The Miccosukee Greenway was formed in the late nineties and bought by the state, but the county manages it.

The plan to extend the road has been in the works before 2000, prior to the formation of the greenway. Four easements were granted back then, giving way to access roads going across the greenway.

“You’ve just changed the entire character of that greenway, it’s no longer what we have known it as for three decades now,” Stephens said.

Director of Planning, Land Management and Community Enhancement Artie White said there are no ways the roads can be quashed. He said the easements are legally binding.

White said there has been lots of work to ensure the safety of the road through the design process.

“Any time you bring different modes of transportation together, there’s sometimes the potential for some friction there, but were using engineering best practices and those enhancements to the trail crossing to improve safety and limit conflicts,” White said.

The proposal discussed 30 mile per hour speed limit, 11-foot wide lanes and blinking lights to indicate a crossing.

Sue Noyes also came out to the meeting. She said the people that use the trail need better safety measures than what has been proposed, especially for equestrians like herself.

“They should be the size of park roads,” Noyes said. “Small roads with controlled speed limits of 20, 25 miles-an-hour so it doesn’t disrupt the nature and atmosphere of the greenway.”

After hearing the concerns of those neighbors, Commissioner Brian Welch moved to add safety features, like a stop light, narrower lanes and a speed limit of 25 miles an hour. That vote passed.

Noyes said she and her other neighbors will continue to watch what happens.

“I’ve been involved with this greenway since it’s been an idea,” Noyes said. “That’s been many years. I am going to stay involved.”

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