Quincy Parks and Recreation is having an adult women’s basketball league

Ladies in one Gadsden County neighborhood will soon come together to shoot some hoops!

Quincy Parks and Rec will be starting an adult womens basketball league.

Women 18 and older can sign up their teams to participate.

Its $100 a team and you can have up to 10 players.

This cost will cover your team’s uniforms and referee fees.

Quincy parks and rec director De’Cody Fagg talked about the importance of starting this league.

“Pretty much everything is co-ed so one thing we want to do is reach out to the women. The young ladies, basically start an all-girls group. All womens group and see how that turns out” says Fagg.

Teams can register at the rec center or at Quincy Parks and Recs website.

The league is going to start in August.

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